Monday, August 29, 2011

advice needed for first time breastfeeder!

Question from a Breastfed reader: 
Hi! I'm Sara. I'm a first time breast feeder.. I was so excited to breast feed my baby when he was born, but he was born a month early due to some breathing complications i couldn't breast feed right away like a wanted. I didn't even get to see him till 35 hours after he was born. So naturally they told me to pump till he was strong enough  to suck on my breast. Now he is 3 weeks 3 days old and strong. 

I am slowly starting to get him on breast but it seems now that he only eats for a while then screams and cries till i give in and give him the bottle but cause i don't have the pump any more he is now getting half BM and half formula. I feel so awful giving in and giving him formula but i don't know if i'm going about this right. My mom doesn't help much cause she was grossed out by breast feeding and didn't do so with me I am happy however cause of his 8 feedings a day 4 of them are on breast and the rest unfortunately are either half or full bottle... help please!! Also my nips are sore is this due to un proper latch?? Or is it normal for them to be sore the more u breast feed?? 

Hi Sara! Congratulations on your healthy baby! I'm glad you found us. Hopefully I (and other readers out there) can be of some help.

My thoughts and advice to you:

pumping sagas

What I would rather be doing.
School started today, ushering in a new period of my pumping saga.

Since I share an office, pumping there is out of the question. You would think, working in a school with a ton of other women that have had babies that we would have a dedicated pumping spot. Unfortunately, since schools are overcrowded and space is at a premium, we do not.

Fortunately, I work with an administrator who is sympathetic to the issue of pumping. Last year she allowed me to use the conference room space. This year, however, the head secretary has moved into that space. What to do now?

Again, I am lucky. When I spoke to my administrator about finding a new space, she emphatically stated that under no circumstances was I to use a bathroom. She offered her own office until we found a spot. She also said that she would make it a priority to find me a spot- which she did! She actually sought me out today (!!!!) to let me know that the head secretary offered to let me continue to use the room that she moved into to pump.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

tips: prenatal vitamins

Mamas- have you been taking your prenatal vitamins? Just because pregnancy is over doesn't mean you should stop, especially if you are breastfeeding. You are providing nutrition for two! Continuing to take prenatal vitamins ensures that you are getting all the nutrition you need for both you and baby.

I stopped taking mine for a while after Baby S was born. Why? Because I kept forgetting to take them. Bad idea- I started feeling really rundown, losing hair in clumps, and just generally feeling drained. As soon as I started taking my vitamins again I felt much better (sure, the tired and drained feeling is something that never leaves a new mom, but it was much less than before, for sure!).

As a new mom, I know that it is difficult to remember to do anything. How to remember this one little thing?

giveaway: breastfeeding celebration package

Our first giveaway has grown! Win an amazingly fun breastfeeding celebration package in one easy step. 

The package includes: a boobie beanie for your baby by BitchinStitches, organic nipple soothe ointment from HoneyBee Holistics, the breastfeeding merit badge by MamaScout, and the Nourish Breastfeeding! poster from artist Heather Ault at 4000 Years.

Prize details:

Show your breastfeeding support with this handmade crocheted boobie beanie for your baby, courtesy of BitchinStitches. This beanie is designed to look like a breast while a baby or toddler is nursing! (The beanie is for your babies head- head warmer, not boob warmer....)

Beanies can be made in 3 different colors: light skin with pink nipple, medium skin with brown nipple, or brown skin with dark brown nipple. Beanie can also be made for different head sizes- newborn, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, or 12-24 months.

HoneyBee Holistics ointment is a soothing, organic, natural way for breastfeeding moms to ease sore cracked nipples. It helps them heal as well as providing extra moisturizing protection from excessive dryness. Safe enough for use in between feedings without the need to wash off!

Plus: It is an Organic Vegan option versus the popular lanolin products on the market!

Breastfed. is super excited to give away the breastfeeding merit badge from Mama Scout! Show your pride in earning your stripes, or gift this to a mama you know that has overcome some breastfeeding struggle. Breastfeeding is hard work and not as natural as it seems. If you produce milk for another human, you get this badge (and so much more). If you NIP (nurse in public) you get a special nod of admiration. 

Put up this poster from artist Heather Ault of 4000 years above your breastfeeding chair, in the room that you pump in at work, or where ever you want to be inspired to continue breastfeeding

This poster is part of a series of visual images celebrating the practice of reproductive control around the world for thousands of years!


Since ancient times throughout the world, women have prolonged breastfeeding to prevent new pregnancies. During full-time breastfeeding for six-months after birth, most mothers do not ovulate and do not have menstrual periods. 

How to win your breastfeeding celebration package:

Follow Breastfed through Google Friend Connect (see orange box on right sidebar). When we reach 50 followers we will randomly select one friend as the lucky package winner!

Get extra entries by visiting one of our sponsors sites, then sharing one thing about them in the comments section of this post!

The odds of winning this giveaway are ridiculously great- 1 in 50, and even lower if you visit our sponsors sites! Amazing!

Good luck and good breastfeeding! 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

magic boobs

My partner thinks I have magic boobs.

Ok, I agree with him most of the time. I have these two things on my body that manufacture milk that is the sole nourishment of my baby. How cool is that?

What annoys me is when my magic boobs are supposed to cure everything. I can't tell you how many times I've heard this: Just put her on your boob and then she'll feel better/ fall asleep/ stop being crabby/ etc.

Frustrating. Why? Because it doesn't always work. Just because I "put her on my boob" doesn't mean she'll fall asleep. Just because I "put her on my boob" doesn't mean that she'll instantly be happy. Sometimes she just doesn't want to eat! What do I do then? Wave my magic boob in her face and mutter abracadabra?!?

I've realized this is his way to get out of all sorts of undesirable baby situations. Baby crying? Well, I can't fix it because I don't have boobs. Here- you take her. You have the magic boobs. Frustrating, annoying, and sometimes fight-worthy. How I wish that he could breastfeed, so I could do the same thing to him. He doesn't understand how I feel, or at least, he claims not to (when convenient).

If only I did have magic boobs. I'd wave them around, shooting glitter out of them a la Sleeping Beauty. Granting wishes for babies far and wide. Spreading calm and happiness across the land.

No, I just have regular boobs. Not magic, but pretty special and amazing anyways.

Friday, August 26, 2011

co-sleeping tips

A common complaint of new mothers (well, all mothers!) is the lack of sleep. Babies wake up constantly throughout the night wanting to be fed. In my experience, the practice of co-sleeping is a way for breastfeeding mothers to gain those extra hours of sleep that we so desperately need.

There is much controversy over the practice of co-sleeping. In the United States, most medical professionals warn against it. However, some do advocate the practice, and it is widely practiced in the non-Western world.

When done correctly, it is yet another reason to be happy that you are breastfeeding- no getting out of bed in the middle of the night to mix formula, warm bottles, and feed baby!

Below are some of my tips for successful co-sleeping with a newborn:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

breastfeeding misinformation

Browsing through tumblr, I came upon this post. Just some random young'un, ranting about breastfeeding.

Nothing new. I see them often. Rants like Women shouldn't breastfeed in public! Who wants to see your tits? Not me! Cover up! And so on and so on.

This ranter goes on to make up some complete nonsense: Overall my stance is this, breastfeed all you like, but they make covers for public, and even then, it is a law to have an area for women to breastfeed in all public buildings (most of the time its just the bathroom,) ...

my baby is a hoover

Something is wrong. I don't think I have a human baby. She is some sort of demon vacuum dressed up like a precious baby girl.

Baby S has the most powerful suck ever possessed by a baby, coupled with a desire to suck anything in front of her. Great when the nipple is there. Bad for her toys, the rug, her hands, my hands, my arms, my back, my legs, my stomach, and anything else that gets in her way.

Woe to the person who accidentally puts an unassuming piece of flesh in her eyesight.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

review: little sapling toys

Breastfeeding wooden teether
We have long been fans of the beautiful wooden teethers and blocks by Little Sapling Toys.

So imagine our delight when we found that they include this beautiful teether celebrating the breastfeeding mother and child!

Teethers are handcrafted from Hard Rock Maple, a non-splintering wood. They are naturally anti-bacterial, non-allergenic, and non-toxic. All Little Teething Toys are sanded satin smooth with no exterior finish.

Their philosophy: Here at LST, we are committed to quality toys and a healthy earth. We plant a tree for every toy sold, use FSC Certified hardwoods, recycled content packaging and participate in our local green power program.

Each toy is handmade in our workshop in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. They design their toys to help young children develop creativity, pattern recognition and motor skills. 

But what do the babies think? Toddler B and Baby S are both fans of Little Sapling Toy teethers. The maple must taste good and sooth sore gums, because Baby S loves to have it in her mouth, slobbering all over it. The holes are also perfect size for both little and big babies. Great for waving and banging!

We also own some of their blocks. Great size for stacking, and they just plain feel good in your hands.

Little Sapling Toys is offering a special discount for Breastfed. readers. Enter BFED10 at checkout for a 10% discount through September 15. Yay!

Read more about Nick and Kimber, the mother and father team behind Little Sapling Toys.

Monday, August 22, 2011

the breastfeeding basket

The breastfeeding basket doesn't have to literally be a basket. It can be a tote, a bag, a bucket, a box, a diaper caddy, whatever. The idea is to have all the things that you might need while sitting down for a long breastfeeding session.

Avoid the sucky position of being stuck on the couch staring at the ceiling. Or asking your partner a million times Honey, could you get me this? Believe me, they start to get a little irritated.

In my Breastfeeding Basket:

1. Bottle of water- most important breastfeeding need! Go eco-friendly and cute with a bottle from SIGG.

2. Kindle- Easy one handed reading with the Kindle! Love mine.

3. Snack- I do a little jar of trail mix for emergencies.

4. Phone- I hate hearing the phone across the room and not being able to get up to get it!

5. Burp cloth- Always have one on hand, just in case.

6. Extra chapstick- I am addicted to Burts Bees.

7. Wii and TV remotes- What if I get the urge to watch Desperate Housewives?

That's my basket- what's in yours?

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Nursing, Paula Modersohn-Becker

review: milkscreen

Today I had a difficult job- I was forced to drink in order to review Milkscreen, a product designed to let breastfeeding women test the alcohol content of their breast milk after drinking.

Ok, maybe it wasn't so difficult. Actually, not so difficult at all.

Although I rarely drink at all anymore (the times when I have money for a babysitter plus money to go out, desire to be awake late, and the energy to make myself nightclub pretty are rare these days), I do occasionally enjoy the idea of a cocktail after baby bedtime. I always wonder, though- did I drink so much that I'm getting my baby drunk? Will it make the difference between a future National Honor Society member and a remedial English student?

The second that I mentioned to my partner that I was going to review alcohol test strips, he was making plans to go to the liquor store (perhaps we are both in need of some relaxation?). We picked up our favorite- Prairie vodka, an organic vodka made right here in Minnesota.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

breastfeeding snacks- hummus


Hummus- easy to make large batches ahead of time to store in a tupperware for future quick snacks. Powerfully nutritious for you and baby- the main ingredient of hummus, garbanzo beans, gives you a whopping dose of fiber and iron.

Easy to buy at the store, but just as easy to make at home!

1 can garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
1 heaping spoonful tahini (or smooth peanut butter, in a pinch or if you can't find tahini)
Juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon water
1-2 tablespoons olive oil
1 garlic clove (optional)
1/2 tsp each of cayenne pepper, coriander, and cumin (optional)
Salt to taste

If using garlic, peel and mince in food processor. Add all other ingredients, and blend until smooth.

As you are making it, adjust spices and other ingredients for your personal taste. I love it super garlick-y, but you may not! Enjoy with crackers, pita, bagels, or vegetables like cucumbers, carrots, or green peppers.

When done, put in tupperware for easy storage in fridge. It will only take a second to grab your snack to have next to you while you are breastfeeding, or perhaps as a quick bite between diaper changes!

Friday, August 19, 2011

breastfeeding inspiration

Muslim woman breastfeeding, source unknown

i can breastfeed!

I'll never forget the moment that Baby S latched on and started to feed. 

I think it's a moment that every mother remembers, but it was especially poignant for me. My first baby, Toddler B, had a mountain of feeding problems due to her special needs. Breastfeeding her was a frustrating struggle that was never completely resolved, and led to me having to exclusively pump to get her the breast milk she needed.

When I was pregnant with Baby S, I had the same worry off and on for the full nine months: Would I be able to breastfeed this baby? I wanted it so much. All of my mama girlfriends had had few problems breastfeeding their children, and I wanted to be like them. Have some degree of normalcy. I envied the easy way that they fed their children, the intimacy that they had. In some ways, I needed this validation for myself- I am normal. I can feed my child in the way that I was built to.

breastfeeding snacks- yogurt with granola and fruit

Pregnancy isn't the only time that you need to be eating for two. When you are breastfeeding, you still need those extra calories so that you can nourish yourself and produce enough milk to feed your baby. Furthermore, you need to make sure that your milk is full of good stuff that your baby needs, not crap like McDonalds.

In come the snacks! Snacks are an easy way to get the good stuff that you need.

Breastfeeding Super Snack #1:


- Yogurt (preferably made from whole milk)
- Granola
- Cut up bananas, strawberries, or a handful of blueberries

Easy! Fast! Sweet and satisfying!

Bonus: Many women swear by oats (the main ingredient in granola) for increasing their milk supply.

Also: Please buy organic fruit, especially strawberries, as pesticides pass through into breast milk.

Yogurt with granola and berries is my breastfeeding snack of choice!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

national breastfeeding month in the usa

It's official, USA!

For a while now, World Breastfeeding Month has been celebrated in August by many moms and breastfeeding supporters. Now it will be formally recognized in the USA.

On August 6th, 2011, the United States Breastfeeding Committee declared August to be National Breastfeeding Month. The days events included a Community Baby Shower, participation in The Big Latch On, and a visit from Latch On America cross country bus tour.

The text of the proclamation:

Whereas, the mission of the United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) is to improve the Nation’s health by working collaboratively to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding; and

Whereas, USBC envisions breastfeeding as the norm for infant and young child feeding throughout the United States; and

breastfeeding activities #2

Part 2 in a series- things to do while breastfeeding.

BREASTFEEDING ACTIVITY #2: Try not to breathe in.

This one may not always apply. When it does, you'll know it.

My baby is a farter. A disgusting farter. Her farts are so big, loud and stinky that they can clear a room. They have cleared the room, in fact- multiple times! I'll never forget the first time a family friend held her. She was waxing poetic over how gorgeous Baby S was when a loud fart erupted from her bottom. The friend laughed- until the smell hit her nose, she started gagging, and quickly passed off Baby S (who thought it was quite funny).

Baby S has two favorite farting times:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

boobie beanie giveaway

It's Breastfed's first giveaway!

Show your breastfeeding support with this handmade crocheted boobie beanie for your baby, courtesy of BitchinStitches.

This beanie is designed to look like a breast while a baby or toddler is nursing! (The beanie is for your babies head- head warmer, not boob warmer....)

Beanies can be made in 3 different colors: light skin with pink nipple, medium skin with brown nipple, or brown skin with dark brown nipple. Beanie can also be made for different head sizes- newborn, 3-6 months, 6-12 months, or 12-24 months.

How to win your free boobie beanie from BitchinStitches:

Follow Breastfed through Google Friend Connect (see orange box on right sidebar). When we reach 50 followers we will randomly select one friend as the lucky beanie winner!

Good luck and good breastfeeding! 

breastfeeding activities #1

A while ago, I posted about my breastfeeding pastimes. I'm expanding this into a series entitled "Breastfeeding Activities". 

BREASTFEEDING ACTIVITY #1: Gaze at your baby

Of course! This one is a no-brainer. Spend some of that time doing what comes naturally to any mother- gaze at your baby.

Study her little face. The chubby cheeks, the smooth skin. The way her lashes fringe her eyes. The downy hair covering her head.

Think about who she looks most like- mom? Dad? Big sister or brother? Do the eyes come from one side of the family, the head shape from another?

Monday, August 15, 2011

the bird

Does your baby do the bird?

Mine does. A one-sided flap. Uh...huh?

She turned into the bird baby one night a couple of weeks ago. Just out of the blue- wakes up, turns to me to feed, latches on, and then starts flapping her arm up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Hard. I finally grabbed hold of one of her little hands and held it down. The need to flap finally wore away, she fed some more and fell back into deep sleep.

I thought it was a fluke... and then it came back. A couple of days later, during the day. All excited to feed, she settles down, latches on, and- the bird baby was back! Flap, flap, flap. Over and over again. Like some little bird poltergeist had taken over her body.

This particular bird ghost likes to come out at feeding time. Sure, she flaps her arms a lot now at other times, when she's excited, or to bang a toy. But the flapping really gets heavy during nursing time. I guess that means she really likes my milk?

Is it full of sunflower seeds? Geez.

hot milk

"She Craved A Little Decadence" nursing bra
Hey nursing mamas!

Have you checked out the line of nursing and maternity lingerie from Hot Milk?

Who wants boring old black and white when you can have electric blue, lacy black and hot pink? This company from New Zealand puts out the hottest nursing accessories with fabulous names such as She Blushes in Delight nursing bra and Delighted With Her Victory nursing camisole.

As the mind behind the brand states:

"The inspiration came when I was pregnant with my first child. After a lifetime of wearing beautiful lingerie I was horrified with the maternity lingerie I was faced with. I was pregnant—not 90!"

The best part? They are on sale at Zulily today through August 18th for up to 75%! Shop now- supplies may go quickly.

Click here to join Zulily. Happy shopping! 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

my baby ate mcdonalds

My baby ate McDonalds today.

A cheeseburger, to be specific. With fries and a coke.

Alright, I lied. Two cheeseburgers. (Hey! I'm breastfeeding. I get hungry.)

Now I'm stuck with the guilty feeling. I know that the substances that I put into my body are secreted into my breast milk, for better (broccoli!) or for worse (see above).

 I try to eat well. I do eat well, actually. Mostly whole foods- lots of fresh vegetables and fruits. Whole grains. Little meat. Everything organic, and local when possible. Very little processed food- I spend a lot of time in the kitchen! I think about my health and the health of my baby- I want her to get all of the vitamins and nutrients she needs.

breastfeeding certificate

Have you been breastfeeding for six months? Two years?

Then reward yourself!

Take a look at this breastfeeding certificates offered by Dar de Mamar. One celebrates six months of breastfeeding, the other two years. The certificates are in Spanish, but the sentiment is the same: Congratulations! You did it!

Translation: I, __________ award and thank my mother, _____________ because she gave me the breast and only the breast for my first six months of life.

baby friendly canadian campaign

Check out these great posters from Baby Friendly NewFoundland and Labrador (Canada)!

The goal of this organization is to support parents in breastfeeding and provide information and resources.

Why the posters exist, according to Baby Friendly:

You’ll see plenty of strange things….breastfeeding isn’t one of them is a fun, humorous campaign designed to promote public acceptance of breastfeeding. The posters touch on the positive health benefits of breastfeeding, but focus more on minimizing the stigma about breastfeeding in public. It’s all about building confidence in women to breastfeed! Through this public awareness campaign we hope to encourage the families of pregnant women and the communities in which they live to support new mothers and give them the confidence they need to breastfeed anytime, anywhere.

breastfeeding inspiration

A Padaung woman breastfeeding in Myanmar (formerly Burma)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

breastfeeding in brattleboro, vt

Will you be in the Brattleboro, Vermont area during the month of August, 2011?

If so, make sure to check into The Works Bakery and Cafe for their 9th Annual Art of Breastfeeding Show.

Sponsored by the Windham County Breastfeeding Coalition in collaboration with the Arts Council of Windham County, the show highlights the works of Zachary and Michelle Stevens, parents who know the impact that breastfeeding has on babies, parents and society at large.

The Works is located at 118 Main Street in Brattleboro, Vermont. 

where can you breastfeed?

As a new mom, or a transplant to a new city, are you worried that you won't be able to find a breastfeeding-friendly establishment? Do you know of a place that has gone out of their way to accomodate your breastfeeding needs?

Then check out You Can Breastfeed Here, a site dedicated to letting women share breastfeeding-friendly establishments all over the country. Take a look at what is out there in your area, and share your own info!

traveling greatest hits

We're back! How the time flies. Baby S and I spent the last week in New York and Philadelphia, but it seems like we just left! Overall we had a great trip.

Some of our breastfeeding-while-traveling greatest hits:

1. I made breastfeeding really easy on myself by investing ahead of time.  I ordered a nice, comfortable nursing bra from Zulily and a black dress from Target that gave easy and quick access to my breasts.

I wore this same dress pretty much all week (it's amazing how accessories can change an outfit. I also had access to washing machines). I popped my puppies out with ease in a variety of locations: The bus. The LIRR. A crowded cafe. A street corner. The park. The pool. The crowded airport. In and out, in and out... no prob.

Friday, August 5, 2011

iconic japanese breastfeeding

We're almost off on our trip! Baby S and I are going to New York for a week.

I probably won't be posting while we are gone, so I will leave you with this beautiful image.

Enjoy the end of World Breastfeeding Week!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

suck and repeat

Annoying! Or cute, depending on how you look at it, or how much time you have on your hands.

Baby S is firmly in the Mrs. Suck-a-Little, Mrs. Look-a-Little stage. 

Rather than power through a good feeding, she is obviously thinking in that little head of hers, Why rush? I have all the time in the world. Ooo! Look at the curtains! Okay, wait, let me have a little milk... Ooo! Look at Mami smiling at me! Alright, no wait, let me have a little milk... Oooo!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

in-flight feeding anxieties

Baby S will be taking her first plane ride this Friday.

Am I nervous? Just a little bit... Will she cry? Will we be that pair on the plane that everyone wants to kill? Will the stewardesses try to stuff a gag down her screaming throat?

That's the nightmare. 

Everyone has told me to feed her as we are taking off, and I am prepared for that... my worry is that we won't be able to get into a comfortable position in those tiny little airplane seats. I can just see it: head smacking into the hard little elbow rests, legs pushing up against the side of the plane. Frustration and screaming (her screaming, and perhaps me too?).

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

beautiful breastfeeding image

the big latch on

It's World Breastfeeding Week!

On Saturday, August 6th, 2011 at 10:30 am local time, nursing mamas around the world will celebrate WBW by participating in the Big Latch On event. The goal is to break the record for the most women breastfeeding simultaneously!

Join in on the event and meet nursing mamas in your area!

Find location in your city or country here.

hygeia breast pump

Another great nursing deal from Zulily!

The Hygeia Chocolate Brown EnJoye LBI Double Electric Breast Pump went on sale at Zulily today at a $100 reduction from the normal price.

Details (from Zulily):

Winner of the prestigious 2011 PTPA Media Award, the EnJoye LBI breast pump is a must-have for busy breast-feeding moms. With a built-in rechargeable battery, this professional-grade, double electric pump is specifically designed for long-term and frequent pumping needs, and all parts that come into contact with breast milk are BPA and DEHP-free.

Monday, August 1, 2011

nursing gear deals

Have you joined Zulily? If not, you should! They are a great shopping site that has daily deals on gear for babies, kids, women and things for the home.

They frequently have stellar deals on nursing gear- bras, tanks, gowns, slips- you name it. This stuff can get pricey, but is essential, so it's necessary to find a place where you can load up at a good price.

Right now they have nursing gear by La Leche League International on sale for up to 70% off. My favorite is this nursing sports bra- inspires me to work off some of this baby weight! This sale ends on 8/04, so get shopping now.

Sign up here to get in on the action.

nikki mcclure

I've found my new favorite artist: Nikki McClure

This beautiful card is entitled "Examine the Food Chain". I've seen this image before, but didn't have any luck finding a place to purchase it. I would like to get it for my lactation consultant to add to the breastfeeding images that cover her wall.

Now I can! Nikki's work is available on

breastfeeding a special needs baby

Breastfeeding can be difficult at first for any new mother. Add the challenge of trying to feed a special needs baby, and it can be overwhelming.

My first child has special needs. I can't tell you the name of a specific syndrome, because her condition is unique and is still being evaluated. What I can tell you is that our attempts to breastfeed her were challenging, difficult, frustrating, overwhelming, sad and tiring.

From the second I attempted to put Toddler B to breast- when they finally got her to breathe after being born blue- we knew something was not right. She did not have the immediate sucking reflex that most newborns have. Within hours, the nurses were demanding that she should be given a gavage feeding, which means that formula would be pumped into her stomach.

why i breastfeed

It's World Breastfeeding Week!

Everywhere I look there are posts, articles, lectures, lists (even a list of 101 reasons!) and what-have-you detailing why breastfeeding is so damn important and why you should do it.

These are my reasons for breastfeeding:

1. It's the best option for your baby. Period. If you are able to do it (and some women are not, for many reasons, or have difficulties), then why not do it? If you had two plates in front of you- one with a McDonalds hamburger and one with a fresh salad loaded with nuts and other veggies, which one would you feed your child?

great expectations

I recently had a bit of a disappointment.

My older sister, who has three kids, came to visit. I was really excited for her to meet the new baby, and she is already in love with Toddler B. I love my sister a lot, and I really look up to her- she is just an awesome person all around, who has raised three really great, well-rounded and grounded children.

I had never talked to her about breastfeeding before. When she was here, I asked her how long she had breastfed for, thinking that we might have some sort of supportive conversation. But imagine my surprise when she said that she only breastfed each for three months, and didn't think it was so important. In addition, her girlfriend, who was with her, had never breastfed any of her three!

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