Wednesday, November 2, 2011

breastfeeding snacks- roasted squash seeds


One of my favorite things about fall: the beautiful, overflowing bounty of different varieties of squash at the farmers markets. I love winter squash- the fun sizes, shapes and colors! The different yummy recipes that can be made with them, for both babies and adults!

Up until this year, I never ate the seeds. They got thrown away with the rest of the slimy innards. But a couple of weeks ago, I was at Toddler B's hippy crunchy Little Sprouts class at the Waldorf School, and the teacher brought some in to share. I tried them.. and I was hooked. Amazingly delicious. And how ingenious- no waste when making squash! I immediately went home and tried to make my own. The verdict- easy, delicious, and nutritious- a perfect breastfeeding snack.

How to make roasted squash seeds:

  1. After slicing open organic squash (any type- I love acorn), scoop innards into a bowl of water. Let soak for anywhere from half an hour to all day (great for you busy mamas!).
  2. Preheat oven to 250 degrees (this will be a slow roast).
  3. Separate seeds from slimy innards as best you can. Don't worry if some innards are left, this will just add to the flavor.
  4. Toss seeds with a splash of organic tamari sauce and splash of olive oil. Put in shallow roasting pan.
  5. Roast in oven for one hour, occasionally stirring.
  6. Let cool, put in tupperware or jar, and keep on hand for an easy snack!

Yummy- I'm eating some right now!

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